Thursday, January 12, 2012

Literary Mix-up

As I have been going through oodles of my blog subscriptions this week, I found this on three or four of the blogs that I follow. I thought it just might be fun to give it a go myself!

First, pick 12 literary characters before you look at the questions.

1. Margaret Hale from North and South
2. George Wickham from Pride and Prejudice
3. Jane Eyre from *gasp!* Jane Eyre
4. Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride
5. Molly Gibson from Wives and Daughters
6. Harvey Cheyne from Captain's Courageous
7. Elinor Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility
8. John Chivery from Little Dorrit
9. Beth March from Little Women
10. Tom Sawyer from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
11. Lady Catherine from Pride and Prejudice
12. Edmond Dantes from The Count of Monte Cristo

Now, answer the questions by putting the correct characters instead of the numbers.

1. Who would make a better college professor, Harvey Cheyne or Lady Catherine de Bourgh?
Oh, my soul! Harvey would once he's grown up a bit! Though it would be very interesting to see what Lady Catherine would teach. How to properly pack trunks?

2. Edmond Dantes sends John Chivery out on a mission. What is it? Does it succeed?
The mission is something to distract John and to teach him to wait and hope. It does not succeed.

3. What is, or what would be, Beth March's favorite book?
She likes Pilgrim's Progress. For some reason Dana's Valley comes to mind, too... But that might be too sad for her. =P

4. Would it make more sense for George Wickham to swear fealty to Harvey Cheyne or the other way around?
Neither would make any sense at all! No one (except Lydia and other silly people) would ever swear fealty to Wickham and I don't see Wickham swearing fealty to anybody unless it was for show.

5. Molly Gibson is looking for a roommate. Should she room with Beth March or Tom Sawyer?
Beth March. For obvious reasons.

6. George Wickham, Elinor Dashwood, and Edmond Dantes are going out to dinner. Where are they going, and what do they discuss?
They are going to a very nice place, but one that isn't too over-the-top. (Thus accommodating Elinor's good sense as well as Edmond's money and Wickham's tastes) The discussion between Elinor and Edmond is intelligent and they are sharing life lessons with one another. Wickham won't listen and keeps butting in with inconsequential or repetitive topics.

7. Jane Eyre challenges Tom Sawyer to a duel. Who wins?
Not happening! Ever! But Tom would most likely win unless it was a duel of minds or words.

8. If Margaret Hale stole John Chivery's most precious possession, how would he get it back?
He would plead and cry. Not that she'd ever steal anything!

9. Suggest a story title in which Elinor Dashwood and Edmond Dantes both attain what they want.
Well... They both had a lot of struggle before they finally found love. Silent Hope and Vengeful Discoveries. lol That's the best I can do spur-of-the-moment.

10. What kind of plot device would you have to use to get Margaret Hale and Inigo Montoya to work together?
That would be one crazy plot! Perhaps just compassion from Margaret would induce her to help Inigo.

11. If Elinor Dashwood visited you for the weekend, how would it go?
It would be great! We could drink tea and read novels. =)

12. If you could command Jane Eyre to perform any service or task for you, what would it be?
I would ask her to teach me to draw.

13. If George Wickham had to choose sides between Inigo Montoya or Molly Gibson, what side would he choose?
Inigo. No doubts there.

14. What might Tom Sawyer shout out while charging into battle?
He'd give an Indian war cry.

15. If you had to choose a song to best describe Jane Eyre, what would it be?
Nothing comes to mind... Maybe "Perfect Day"? lol I can't think of anything that actually really works.

16. Margaret Hale, Harvey Cheyne, and Edmond Dantes are having a dim sum at a Chinese Restaurant. There is only one scallion pancake left , and they all reach for it at the same time. Who gets it?
Harvey. He's younger and faster. And less mature. ;)

17. What would Molly Gibson most likely be arrested for?
Maybe for inappropriate conduct due to clandestine meetings with a man... But anything that she would get arrested for would be a misunderstanding.

18. What is Harvey Cheyne's secret?
He has always wanted to be good, but he didn't know how 'til life taught him. (Wow.. unimaginative answer on my part!)

19. If Lady Catherine and Beth March were racing to a destination, who would get there first?
I can't picture the two of them racing, but Beth would probably get there first. Lady Catherine would be far too concerned about decorum.

20. If you had to walk home through a bad neighborhood late at night, who would you be more comfortable walking with, Elinor Dashwood or John Chivery?
Wow. This is a tough one. I guess I'd say John just because he's a guy, even if he's definitely not my type of man!

21. Margaret Hale and Beth March reluctantly team up to save the world from the threat posed by Inigo Montoya's sinister secret organization. Lady Catherine volunteers to help them,but it is later discovered that she is actually a spy for Inigo. Meanwhile, Inigo has kidnapped Edmond Dantes in an attempt to force their surrender. Following the wise advice of Molly Gibson, they seek out Jane Eyre, who gives them what they need to complete their quest. What title would you give this fiction?


  1. Haha! Inigo Montoya was an awesome character choice :)

  2. haha Thanks! And I just realized that I never finished with that last question... Guess I should do that. =)


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