Friday, January 13, 2012

Keep Swimming

Dory isn't always the smartest fish. Actually, she would drive me insane if I had to spend too much time with her. But I have to admit that she does have one good piece of advice: "Keep swimming!" I find myself singing her little ditty every once in awhile... sometimes just for fun and other times because it's a good way to lighten up a little when there's a crisis.

I think that another way of saying this is: "Be flexible!" Life has a way of taking unexpected turns, so it's best just to go with the flow. People will appreciate it and you'll feel a lot less beat up when everything is said and done! Sometimes flexibility is *very* easy for me. I don't get it when people are ticked off in slow traffic. I'm cool with last-minute plan changes. Annoying people do still annoy me, but usually I can shrug it off and not lose my temper. And if someone doesn't get what I'm saying? Hey... no need to get hot under the collar! I can explain it again a little differently!

Some things are harder to swim through, though. Worry for other people. Loss of any variety. Getting weighed down by the future. I think it's okay to take a moment to just sit still for a bit, but the important thing is that you pick up and get swimming again.

Sometimes we have to have help. Praying and/or talking to friends are good ways to get back in the right current. Knowing that you're not alone is SUCH a help when you're trying to swim through difficult circumstances.

Don't just sink to the bottom of the ocean and get bogged down in the sand. Keep swimming!

You know what you gotta do when life gets you down? 
Just keep swimming 
Just keep swimming
 Just keep swimming swimming swimming 
What do we do? We swim, swim, swim

1 comment:

  1. Hmm wow. This is great. I have trouble with almost all change - I'm a planner and I like to know what to expect next. :P So yes. Keep swimming. Thanks for sharing!



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