Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Judgement

     The courtroom is packed with people, all awaiting judgement. The silence is uncomfortable to those who will be tried, their nervous breathing the only sound in the court. The prosecutor is in his element, head held high. He stands beside a table, his cohorts are seated behind it. He taps his foot lightly, albeit impatiently, on the floor, waiting on the Judge to call a name.

     "Joseph Middleton," calls the Judge. A man stands up and moves towards the front of the courtroom. The prosecutor smiles secretively. This man will receive the death penalty for sure. As Joseph reaches the front of the room, the Judge clears his throat, "Mr Prosecutor?"

     "Your Honor," the prosecutor says, dipping his head a little, "This man is Joseph Middleton. His life has been full of wickedness. He was only five years old when he began committing crimes. He started with lying and thievery, but as he grew older, his crimes grew worse. He had no compassion on those he thought were beneath him. He loved outside of his marriage. He hoarded money that should have been given to the kingdom. He spoke evilly of those who should be honored. Even your own name was blackened in his dirty mouth, Honor! More shocking than any of this, though, for years this man has worshiped outside of what the kingdom allows. You of all people must know what a crime this is. Look at this man. See his crimes, Your Honor, and condemn him to the punishment he deserves!"
     So saying, the prosecutor cracked his knuckles and sat behind his table, grinning, gloating. His friends and companions around him sent him knowing looks, also triumphing in the imminent destruction of the man before them.
     The Judge looked at the prosecutor thoughtfully for a moment, then turned and looked at Joseph. The eyes of the guilty man met those of the Judge.
     A movement from the side of the courtroom opposite the prosecutor caused all to turn simultaneously. A man had stood from his position alone behind the table for the defense.
     The still courtroom seemed to grow even quieter as everyone watched the man slowly walk across the floor towards the one who had been charged with such numerous crimes. He stopped and stood in front of Joseph, his eyes meeting those of the Judge. Silent communication passed between them. Finally, the Judge stood.
     "Mr. Prosecutor," He said, "I see before me, not a guilty man, but a perfect man. I have looked into these eyes and seen immeasurable love and compassion. I have seen forgiveness and graciousness. There is nothing foul in him.

This man is not the criminal you think.

 He is my son."

     The Judge, the King, the Righteous One stepped down to Joseph Middleton and put a hand on his shoulder, the man -His Son- standing by. "Come, my child," He said, leading Joseph to the door that would take him out to freedom, "Enter into the joys of My Kingdom. Though your sins were once scarlet, they are now white as snow."


  1. Wow. That's seriously remarkable. What a powerful analogy!

  2. L.O.V.E. THIS.

    Did you write it, or is it a quote from something?? It sounds like something from the Kingdom series.


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