Friday, March 4, 2011

Almost a Month...

Isn't it awful how fast time goes sometimes? I haven't blogged since February 11th! Sorry about that.

So... five things to update you on my life:

1. I had a pretty good birthday. I got a $20 gift card to Barnes and Noble! So of course that's pretty sweet. I've ordered a couple of books online, so now I'm watching the mailbox. =)

2. Our church hosted the annual Colorado Invitational (CI) quiz tournament. It was a crazy couple of days, but it was so much fun! Our elite division team took first place! Yay! I'm so proud of them!

3. My dad was in a snowmobile accident a week ago. I have another blog post coming with more details. I was going to post it earlier, but I'm waiting for my uncle to send some pictures... just in case I want to include a picture or two in my post. Dad has three broken ribs and a broken sternum and is still in a lot of pain, so prayers would be appreciated! Prayers for health as well as healing would be good. There's a lot of sickness going around and as painful as breathing is for Dad, we certainly don't want him coughing or sneezing!

4. This weekend holds the promise of being lots of fun! I was going to hang out with my best friends on the 11th, but different circumstances prevented it, so we're doing it this weekend instead. We're starting tonight with a game night for my church's singles, then we're going to all sleep at my house and do who knows what tomorrow. (Bound to include some shopping!) Anyhow... I'm looking forward to it!

5. I can't believe how fast the time is going! It's March already and I leave for camp in May. I really need to get some things done... such as ordering plane tickets and whatnot. I'm so excited and kinda sad. I'll be at camp for a couple of months, then my dear friend Bailey is leaving for college. So we don't have much time left for hanging out. =( I'm going to have to visit her at college. =)

So... that's life here! I'll try to blog again soon!


1 comment:

  1. Hey, glad to see an update. =) I have been praying for your dad and for you.

    Have fun this weekend!



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