Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Speak Now

Sorry to disappoint ya'll, but this post actually has nothing to do with Taylor Swift. ;) Just thought I'd let you know at the very beginning. =)

It's been 7 years now. I was 12, she was 13. Best friends, children. I don't know how events came about for her, but I know I never even saw them coming. Suddenly I was reeling from a punch to the gut as I realized that my happy little friendship was over. I went through various stages of denial, blaming myself, blaming others, and just hurting.

In reality, I don't think anything was my fault or her fault. It was all the adults around us and their problems with each other (and maybe the world in general). In any case, her parents would not allow us to continue being friends. My mom let me write a couple of letters and send a birthday present, but it was useless. My friend and her family eventually moved away and I doubt I'll see her again this side of Heaven.

That's the back story to what I have to say today. See, the thing that has come back to haunt me over the years is a question:

Did she know?

Did she have a clue just how much I cared about her? Did she know how much I loved what we had in common?

In my friendships today I feel a nagging awareness at the back of my mind: Death or separation are always possibilities in this world. So I need to speak now. I need to tell my friends how much I care. I need to make sure that they know how empty my life would seem without them.

Sometimes life takes you by surprise. Speak now.


  1. Wow. That was good. I've had those experiences... and I recently had one that almost ended wrong. Thanks for the post.

  2. I'm so sorry, Emily! I will be praying for her, and for you - that you would be a faithful witness to those friends that you still have. :) Great reminder.


  3. btw, LOVE the new blog look! too cute!


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