Thursday, February 3, 2011

Basket Full of Thoughts

Today I'm just going to post a bunch of random things. I love those posts! =) Hopefully you like them, too.

First up:
Can you believe it's February already?! I sure can't. It feels like it should still be the end of 2010... like we should be anticipating Christmas or something. But nope... it's February already. Here's a list of the pros and cons of the month:


  • Tons of chocolate

  • Everybody's spreadin' the love (well... almost everybody)

  • Lot's of adorable pink-and-red going around

  • Coldness. Coldness with snow is fine, but without the pretty snow... not so much.

Well... okay, I only thought of one con. Actually, two. I don't usually get much (or anything) valentines-y because everyone is so focused on my birthday. Not that I want to skip my birthday or anything... it's just sad that it gets in the way of Valentines.

Next item:
I think that most of you have already submitted your answers to my Fine Eyes Quiz, but if you haven't done so yet, you should! And maybe try creating your own? =D

Also in the way of past posts, don't forget to go to Bailey's blog and say 'howdy'. Not like I'm trying to force you or anything, but if you enjoy my blog at all, I'm sure you'll love hers. As long as you can put up with two people who love Jane Eyre. ;)

Aaaaanndd... Next up:
The wonders of photoshop. Here is a picture that my sister took of me:

Wanna know a secret? I have never worn a regency dress. =) Yup. Love photoshop. I think I'd love having the dress more than I love photoshop... but I'll work with what I've got. Anyhow, the purpose behind the picture was so that I can use it on my sidebar to match my new blog theme. =D 

Well, that's all for now, my friends! 


1 comment:

  1. You should have put your bday in the list of pros! :)

    That's so neat. How on earth do you do that with photoshop?


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