Monday, September 20, 2010

Looking to the Future

The near future includes an awesome giveaway courtesy of Lindsay! Go have a peek and enter for the earrings! [Don't enter for the scarf, though... I want to win that. ;)]

This year has really flown by, and November is just around the corner. Have any of you ever heard of NaNoWriMo (NATional NOvel WRIting MOnth) or maybe even participated? I heard about it last October and gave it a go. I actually met my goal and wrote a novel! I'm thinking about giving it another shot this year, though I know it will be slightly more challenging because I'm 18 now and have to write a minimum of 50,000 words.
If you are interested in NaNoWriMo, please visit either their Young Writers Program or their Home Page. If you decide to do it, feel free to add me (ramblinrose506) as a friend on either site.

My church is going on a trip to Israel in the spring, and I initially thought that I should go out and get a job right away to try and make money for said trip. Right now I'm kinda reconsidering. What do you think? Would you go on a 10 day trip just for the experience even if you didn't know any of the other travelers all that well? Should I go for it, or should I wait until I have enough money (supposing this ever happened...) to take a friend?

Also in the near future is (I hope!) a trip to Florida to visit my grandparents. I would be traveling alone, but I have no problems with that. I love traveling! =D I have been looking at ticket prices today and I just need a confirmation from my grandparents on the dates I'm looking at. It'll be loads of fun!

What do you have coming up in your future?


  1. Thanks for mentioning my giveaway, Em! ;) Well, let's see -- we're thinking about taking a trip to see my mom's parents next week. Nothing is 100% yet, but it looks like we'll end up going. That'll be lots of fun! Other than that, it's just school, school, school! I'm so glad to be a senior this year. Hallelujah! :D

  2. Regarding the trip to Israel:
    I think you should... *dah-du-da-du* Pray. =D I don't mean that to sound cheesy , I really mean it. It could be fine either way.

    What do I have in my future? Turing 18 in 5 weeks, getting my license (and hoping I don't fail the driver's test!!)and looking for a job while I pray and seek about college.

    Oh, did you ever find a job? And when are you going to email me again? ;)

  3. Wow, those are a lot of options. Keep praying for what God would have you to do. I am doing the same thing right now too. There are some awesome opportunities that I could pursue but God keeps seeming to still me from them and I think I know why and for what He really is calling me towards with my life...but that is another conversation for another time! :)


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