Saturday, September 18, 2010

Jane Eyre Married Mr. Rochester

Not one person who read my blog or my facebook seemed to know what my last post was about. Sorry for the confusion... I just thought that more people would know what I was talking about. =D

So... the quote is from Jane Eyre. It's a rather famous quote, and I happen to love it. After everything that Jane went through, it just makes my spirit soar when she is finally able to say, "Reader, I married him."

A true love story, for sure!


  1. Oh, gosh... I should've known that! I've read the book before and loved it! I guess it's been awhile though. =D

  2. lol. I've never read those books, so I was thoroughly confused. I figured it was from a book since one of your tags was literature. =D

    Thanks for enlightening us!

  3. Wow, I should have known that one...I haven't read the book but I have seen a movie version of it that ended with that phrase!!


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