Thursday, June 10, 2010

To Answer a Question...

Hello, people! It's me again! Surprised? I imagine so.

Thanks so much for commenting on my post last night! It really made my day to have comments when I logged on this morning. =D

So... among the things I wanted to say last night is something that came up in one of the comments I received. My dear friend Kyrstin asked about my tweet on twitter in which I said, "House goes on the market on Tuesday. We're cleaning like crazy."

Here's the story:

I was born in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, and I lived in that area for the first 12 years of my life until we moved down to the Denver area. Last year when we went back to visit for the weekend, there was some talk about "The Yampa Valley Curse." Mom and Dad know several people who have succumbed to this curse, but they didn't think we'd be getting it any time soon. (For the record, it's more of a blessing than a curse.) What is this "curse"?

Anyone who lives in the Yampa Valley is destined to return if they move away.

A few weeks ago my dad's job ended, leaving him without work yet again. Then... he got a phone call asking him to return to our old stomping grounds for a project that's going on there.

So... our house is being put on the market tomorrow, we're packing and cleaning and everything is pretty crazy. Dad is supposed to be up there on the 21st. Right now we're planning on moving unless God shows us differently. So far He seems to be opening the doors for us to go back "home".

Well, I need to get back to my cleaning. And perhaps I ought to get dressed. =P

I will try to return ya'll's comments at lunchtime. Love you guys!


  1. Oh wow. Guess the "curse" is on you now. =P I'll be praying that everything goes well for you!

  2. I'll be praying for you and your fam, Emily! :-)


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