Wednesday, June 9, 2010

And... I Blog!

For like... the first time in forever.

I have SOOO much I want to say, but I can't think of it right now. LOL My allergies are pretty fired up and have turned me into a zombie of sorts.

So in order to prove that I AM getting back into the swing of blogging, I will quickly share with you about my evening and hope that tomorrow morning I'm feeling a little more human so that I can actually post what I'm wanting to post.

Tonight's youth activity was a combination of several games in order to see which grades were the smartest, fastest, whateverest. 7&8, 9&10, or 11&12.

First was the classic spinning around a bat and then running to a specific point while incredibly dizzy. Then followed other things like chugging down a pop, picking pennies out of a kiddie pool with your toes, trying to pick gummy worms off the bottom of the pool with nothing but your lips and teeth, eating a happy meal (that has been put in a blender 'til it's like baby food. YUCK!), and putting on a frozen shirt.

Anyhow... the 11&12 graders won. GO US! LOL

That was part of my evening. The rest is mostly too depressing. I'm going to go to bed and see if I can't sleep off at least a portion of these allergies.



  1. Hey,
    those activities sound soo gross. =P yuck.

    I saw your twitter - are you guys moving?

  2. I'm sorry about your allergies, Emily! That's a bummer. And I agree with Kyrstin - those activites sound pretty disgusting. Congrats on winning though! =D

    Can't wait for your post tomorrow!
    ~ Lindsay <3

  3. Whoops... of course I meant "activities." Sorry... I must've missed that when I was previewing my comment. ^_^

  4. I hope you start to feel better soon! Allergies are so annoying. Actually, I don't really have any, but if I did they'd be very annoying. ;)

    Love and hugs,


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