Thursday, May 27, 2010

I'll Come Back...

When you call me...

Oh, wait... that's not where I was going with that. hehe

Here's a quick update on my life:

1. I'm graduating tomorrow

2. I'm very busy with school

3. I cannot find the cord to plug my camera into the computer, so I'm very sad

4. I'm planning on going to Elitch Gardens on Thursday with some *awesome* friends!

5. It's time for supper, so I've got to scram!

I haven't forgotten you all, I've just been busy. I promise I'll be back!


  1. Haha... funny post intro. lol =D Sounds like you're very busy, Emily. Have fun at Elitch Gardens. I'm really hoping we can go there sometime!! It looks like such a fun park. :)

    ~ Love,

  2. Hey,

    Congrats on Graduating! =D

  3. Wait a minute... did I comment about Elitch Gardens, and forget to say "congrats on graduating"?!! Sheesh. ^_^ Well, now I'll say it.... Congrats, Emily!!! I'm so excited for ya, girl. :-)

  4. Lindsay - I'm glad you got that. After I posted it I realized that not everyone would. =D Elitches is lots of fun! I've only been once.... my fam isn't big on amusement parks because we have a big family and amusement parks have big prices. But since I'm going with some friends, my parents won't have to shell out tons of dough. LOL

    Kyrstin - Thanks! How're things going for you? I hope your schoolwork is going well!

    Lindsay again - Thanks! =D I'm pretty excited, too. LOL I wish I could impersonate Peach from Finding Nemo just a little bit better... haha My sis would get a kick out of it if I could actually do that. (I'm assuming you watched the vid I posted on my twitter...)

  5. @Emily: It's going well. I should be done in a week or two. BTW... did my announcement make it to you? =D


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