Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Right There

She knelt down, putting her face into her hands. How had it come to this? She had loved him so, SO much! And now... now he was gone. The best part of her life. The person she had always counted on, always looked forward to seeing. Gone. Sobs shook her body, the grief overwhelming her and making life look bleak and worthless. Someone touched her shoulder. Could she not even mourn in private? Looking up through her tears, she saw a man.
"Why are you crying?" he asked her, his tones gentle.
Anger mixed with her pain and sorrow and she gestured to the gaping hole. How hard-hearted did a person have to be to take a body from the grave? "Please, sir, tell me where they took him."


Recognize the story? I've been thinking about it today. Here Mary was, her heart broken. She didn't understand. Can you imagine what was going through her mind just then? A stranger comes up to her, so she turned to him to ask for help. But guess what??? It was Jesus!

I realized that sometimes I get wrapped up in anger, grief, or frustration. I wonder where God is. I turn to a friend or some human and say, "Help me! I can't find God!"

Then I realize something.

He's right there.

He puts his hand on my shoulder and says, "Emily." That's all He needs to say, really. His voice is so gentle, so loving. It says, "I love you. I forgive you. I'm still here. My promises to you will never be broken. Come to my arms."

If you're feeling hurt or angry like Mary, take a moment to look behind you. God will be there, watching over you. He promised.


  1. Wow!!! Emily, that is exactly what I needed to be reminded of tonight. This week has been a week like that and truly the reminder was what was needed. Thank you! :)

  2. Aww, that was awesome, Emily! Thanks so much. I tend to be that way...


    P.S. I was looking at your twitter. No, you're not weird. I LOVE rainy weather and thunder and lightening storms! =P


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