Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Road Trippin' Again!

In three weeks I'll be in Wisconsin again! [insert *much* happiness here] I'm so excited to go and see little Jubilee (who finally graced us with her presence on Sunday) and, of course, her mommy and daddy!!! I leave on the greyhound bus on Monday and get into Wausau on Tuesday.

My first trip with greyhound was this September, and boy oh boy was it an adventure! I saw people from nearly every walk of life and spent time in the company of the amish, crass and flirtatious women, a weak and diabetic woman whom I was able to assist with different things, an old man who smelled horrible and had no teeth, some really friendly and outgoing people who shared (sometimes maybe too much of ;)) their life stories with me, a really quiet computer-geeky type of guy, a couple who were making out for most of the trip, etc etc etc

Okay... when I first got off of my final bus, I didn't know if I wanted to go on a bus trip again. But I had a lot of great experiences mixed in with the not-so-great parts. And as a writer, I LOVED it! Getting to know people or even being forced to listen in on loud conversations is a great way to get character ideas or even plots. Broken hearts, sea monster sightings, mystic religions, and every other topic under the sun... it's all available on the bus or in the terminal. 

So... I'm taking off again! And I'm excited about it! If I can figure a way to update twitter from my phone, I'll be doing that throughout my trip. =) Otherwise, I'll just try to get a post up here soon after!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for commenting on my blog!!! Have you watched Courageous yet? saw that you have it on twitter
    Safe travel...


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