Monday, October 31, 2011

A Time for Change

Generally speaking, I like change. Something new and different always excites me. Yet sometimes, in the midst of the excitement, a little niggling of apprehension worms it's way in.

Is this really a good thing?

This week will bring a change around that, to be honest, I'm not sure that I'm ready for. Even though I'm thrilled about it. This change is probably one of the most drastic changes I've experienced in my nearly 20 years.

A wedding.

Not just any wedding. The wedding of one of my closest friends. Of course I've known for a loooooong time that this change was coming. But for some reason the reality of it is just now hitting me. Maybe her marriage won't bring as many changes as I think, but things will definitely be different.

Look at literature. When a girl's best friend gets married, the girl usually ends up leaving. hahaha Just think about it!

Diana gets married.
Anne runs off to Kingsport.

Meg gets married.
Jo runs off to New York.

Cynthia gets married.
Molly runs off to Africa.

Okay, okay. That last one is stretching it a little. But you get the picture. =D

Anyhow... I'm so thrilled for Erin! And I know that I'm worrying too much about the changes that may or may not really affect our friendship. I'm really more excited and happy than I am fearful.

But at least you all have a heads-up now.

I just might run away.


  1. Run away to MN and visit meeeee! :)

    But seriously, I understand how you feel, love. {hugs} I'm here for you if you wanna talk or anything!


  2. I'm attending my first wedding this month! It's my uncle's, though. Although I am beginning to reach the age when my friends will start marrying! It's hard to believe we're that old...

  3. Haha...that made me laugh. =)

    I always like Anne's quote about 'Why to people have to grow up, marry, change? Why can't things just stay the way they are?' (I'm in too much of a hurry to look up the exact quote...)


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