Monday, May 9, 2011

A Whole New World

So... I have a Disney song stuck in my head right now and decided to use it for my post title. It kinda fits some of what I have to say. =)

I have now been in Arizona for almost two weeks. It's been great! The trip down here was pretty good overall, though we did run into a few problems. Wind and broken brakes. Nothing major. lol

I am staying in a little cabin called the "green bean." It has a bedroom, a bathroom, a small kitchen, and a small living room. I love it! I even have a small refrigerator, so I can keep important stuff like salsa and peanut butter around.

(I've been coming to realize that I'm weird when it comes to the temperature of things. I dislike room temperature peanut butter, salsa, or rice milk. Cold cold cold is the best! I think there was something else that some people eat room temperature that I prefer cold... but I don't remember what it was.)

I've been keeping pretty busy cleaning stuff... a cabin, a shed, etc. I've been helping go through a bunch of storage boxes, too. I have enjoyed pretty much every moment here. The worst thing was cleaning up after a pack rat that moved into a storage place. That was one messy critter! I actually didn't mind most of the mess, but there was a stove that was being stored, and the little guy ... messed it up. In spite of how disgusting it was, it only took me 10-15 minutes to clean. So 10-15 not-so-great minutes out of two weeks is not bad at all. =D

I got a library card (a very important thing no matter where I'm at!) last week and checked out a few books. Now I just have to make sure that I keep up with my account. As fast as time is flying here, that could be a bit difficult.

The weather here has been kinda cool, but very dry. I'm using lotion like crazy. I'm definitely going to need a new bottle before I leave. Even though I opened the bottle here. And chapstick???? I was already using a lot in Colorado. Here? I'm going through it pretty quick. ly.

I need to get back to work, but I'll try to post when I can! Hope you all are doing well! I really need to try and gets some time to read ya'll's blogs and comment on them.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having fun! Thanks for the update and take lots of pics! :D


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