Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Time!

Hello, my faithful (and not so faithful) blog readers! This is your (sometimes) faithful (but usually not so faithful) blog poster! I can't believe how fast time flies and how little I have been posting. I think I say that every post, but that's because it's true.

I do have a good excuse though: It's almost Christmas, and there's a LOT to be done! This past Sunday was our Christmas cantata at church. My dad and I were both narrators, sharing scripture and the Christmas story between songs. We did the cantata twice, and it went well both times. I hope that many people were blessed!

Oh, and here is a Christmas song that I really love. It's so catchy! (Note: I *do not* approve of the dresses worn by the performers. Just so you know.)

It's not like it's my favorite Christmas song or anything... it doesn't have a whole lot of meaning compared to others. I just felt like sharing it. =D

I have been invited to three Christmas parties this Saturday. One starts at 5, another at 6, and another at 6:30. So.... I can't go to all three. How in the world am I to choose? I guess I'll just wait and see whose works out to be the easiest to get to in my state of no drivers license.

Yesterday my mom and I went Christmas shopping. We ended up in the same line and her total came to $35 even! How weird is that? It pretty much never happens that you get an even amount. Then it was my turn. My total came to $2.18 (Yeah, big spender here). WEIRDNESS.... because I had a gift card with $1.18 left on it, my total was $1. Even. Pretty interesting.

Oh, and the family in line ahead of us had a little girl who was bragging to everyone she saw: "Look what I found on the floor!" - a $20 bill. I remember Mom trying to teach me honesty and making me take a $5 bill I found to the management in case someone came back for it. The kid waving the twenty could use a mother like mine. I mean... $20 could mean a lot to someone!

Anyhow... that's some of what's going on here. Tonight is a Christmas party for the AWANA girls. I'm supposed to bring a game, but my little brother doesn't want me to take any of his out of the house. I guess I'll have my Mom intervene for me. =)


P.S. It is SOOOO lame... we haven't had any snow yet. In fact, it's raining as I type this. Grrrr.... This is NOT the way Colorado is supposed to be!

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