Friday, August 27, 2010


So after posting multiple times a day, I'm suddenly being rather quiet, aren't I? Well, the truth is: I can't find the words to say. I've started to type up several posts, but they just weren't flowing. They weren't saying what I wanted them to say... except that I wasn't even sure what I was saying. So you find me here, trying the third post in the last hour. And I think this one will actually get posted.
Simply put: Sorry if you're disappointed in me. I really do want to blog, but I don't know what to blog about. To be brutally honest, I get discouraged when I look at my posts and see the lack of comments (though I LOVE the comments I get, please don't stop!) and when I look at my sidebar and see that I only have thirteen followers. I keep asking myself: "What am I doing wrong? Why does it seem like I'm the only blogger that has this problem?"
Does anyone have any ideas what I could do to improve my blog? Or should I just leave it the way it is and love the few people who care to be involved? (And I do love you guys!)
Any suggestions are welcome!


  1. Aw, Emily. Don't quit! I check this blog every day - many times even more! :)

    Let's see... Ideas for the blog. Well, you know I'm not a blogger, so I don't know if I can help you there. I do know that summer will be a time of less comments for you cause many people are on vacation. So, keep it up and they'll come around. =D

  2. oh Please don't quit!! You were the inspiration for me to start the way, thanks for commenting on my sporatic posts! :)

    Keep going and I am sure that in time your blog following will grow!

  3. Awww, Emily, please don't stop blogging! I *love* reading your posts, and I try to comment as much as I can. Your blog is so much fun to read! Definitely a favorite of mine. :)

    ~ Hugs,
    Lindsay <3

  4. oh, Emily! Don't you stop, girl! I love your blog! And don't feel bad about the followers or comments, it's taken me two years to get 41 followers, and I get hardly any (if any) comments!

    Feel free to take ideas from my posts (if they're worth taking, lol)! love ya, girl!


  5. Please don't stop blogging! I love your blog! I don't comment as much as I should, but I read all your posts and enjoy each one! :)

    Love and hugs,


Please drop me a line! I love to hear from my readers!