Friday, June 25, 2010

Thoughts on the VDT Trailer

Hey, peeps! I guess ya'll prolly already know this, but I'm in Arizona! I'm L-O-V-ing it. Maybe it would be nice to have some cooler weather, but everything else makes up for the heat. =D I'm here at the library to type up some posts. This is the first one I'm doing and I'll schedule the others for later.

You probably know this, but the trailer for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is out!!!!! I am SOOOO excited for the movie. I have a couple of problems with it, but that's just natural. I mean... movies never really stick to the book with perfect accuracy, right?

Let me start out by saying that the music in the trailer is AMAZINGLY BEYOND AMAZING! I absolutely cannot wait for the soundtrack! And even if the movie totally bombs (which I hope it won't) I have VERY high hopes for the music. Very high. The trailer music was SO perfect! (Yeah... I know... trailer music IS sometimes different from the actual movie music, but we shall hope that's not the case here.)

Can you believe how much Skandar and Georgie have changed since The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe? Wow. I wonder how much I've changed... LOL I never really thought about that. =P

On to the things that bother me.

The first thing that bothers me but that I'm getting over (or am I?) is the way they are putting the White Witch into every movie. I mean... seriously? At least what they did this time seems (from the VERY little that I know) to be better than the whole Caspian thing. ARGH. Such is life.

The thing that frustrates me more than that, though, is the "21st Century Pevensies" as I'm calling them. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe: Breaking a window and hiding. Prince Caspian: Getting into a fight. Voyage of the Dawn Treader: Lying to get into the army. What in the world????

The next thing that I'm really curious about is from point 1:36 in the trailer. Really not sure about this. The only place that's supposed to be really dark is the dark island and MAYBE the Star's island at night. But that... almost looks spooky. The good places of Narnia aren't supposed to be spooky. I guess we'll see what happens.

The end for now.

P.S. Several people who know what a big fan I am have asked, "WHAT'S WITH PETER?" To be honest, I'm not sure. I thought they'd throw him in at the beginning of the movie before Lucy and Edmund get to Narnia, but it looks like he and Susan are wearing Narnian clothes. But maybe I just need to look closer. One thing I will say is this: Remember the end of P.C. After that it would seem like they'll keep Peter and Susan out. But movie people are stupid and unpredictable for the most part, so I can't be sure.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really excited to see the movie! The trailer looks great... for the most part. I do wish they wouldn't bring the White Witch into the story *again!* :/ Oh, well. It should be a good movie! I can't wait till December! :)

    ~ Love,


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