This is the story of the bedding and such from camp, told from the perspective of one of the sheets. ;)
Here is how to have an adventure even if you are only a sheet (FIVE EASY STEPS!):
Start by getting dirty. That's the best way to start a lot of adventures.
Sit around for awhile and wait for all of your brothers and sisters and cousins to join you in a ginormous pile.
Bribe the washing machine into breaking down. Oh, yeah!
Get bagged up into a garbage bag. Make sure that your whole family comes with you, that way when you're loaded up to go to the laundromat, you can take up the whole back of a yukon. It's amazing.
When you and your family are all completely loaded up, deflate one of the yukon tires. This makes the fun in the garbage bags last longer!
Of course
all good things do come to an end, so you will eventually end up in the washing machine. But it's definitely worth going to all of the trouble just to mess with the lives of those who are trying to wash you!
Emily, you write so humorously that I am almost inspired to become a sheet.