Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Happy and Busy

Last weekend was SO much fun! On Friday I got an early birthday present... A Kindle Fire! Boy oh boy am I excited to have it! I have loaded fifty or so books on it so far. Lots of classics - Jane Austen, Louisa May Alcott, etc. Right now I'm trying to decide whether or not I can afford to buy any books. I SO want The Count of Monte Cristo. I also think I'm going to buy a KJV Bible. I have the ESV on there already, but I want to have both.

Anyhow... I love the Kindle Fire! =)

On Friday night my friend Sarah came over and we watched Jane Eyre. The long version with Timothy Dalton in it. Sarah wasn't too keen on it, but I still love it. Sarah spent the night and then on Saturday we went ice skating with church friends! I am no pro... I feel like I'm living life on the edge if I move. hahaha! But I had a great time and I didn't hug the wall too much. I just wish I could go more often and maybe actually get comfortable on the ice. I used to dream of being an olympic skater. =P

Sunday was a good day, too. I went out to Panda Express with my best friend Erin and then we spent the rest of the afternoon playing word games at Starbucks. Erin got coffee and I got chocolate. Coffee is gross. Jus' sayin'!

Early Monday morning my mom and sister left for Hawaii. Erica is helping the Bible quiz team there prepare for our tournament here in CO. They get to travel and see historic and exotic things while I'm stuck at home playing mom. hahaha I'm really glad that my mom gets a break, though! I mean... how often do homeschooling mothers get to get away from life? She totally deserves it! And my turn will come eventually. I've determined that I'm going to become a renowned (and therefore wealthy) author so that I can travel all over creation and get more and better writing ideas. lol

Things have gone pretty smoothly here. Seth the Picky has actually eaten (and liked!) everything I've made so far. We'll see how long that keeps up! There have been a few complaints over schoolwork, but he's getting it done, so hurrah for that! =)

I need to go get lunch going for Mr. Picky. I'll try to post tomorrow with another project I just did. The project didn't turn out perfectly, but considering that I was 100% winging it? I'm happy with the results.

Tata for now, my friends!

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