Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's a Good Life

I am SO blessed! Sometimes I forget... but I get reminded a lot, so hopefully things balance out somewhere along the way. =P

Anyhow, my wonderful friend Sarah came over for awhile to keep me company while Erica is visiting our grandparents in Florida. It was a blast!

After AWANA on Wednesday night, Sarah came home with me. That actually almost didn't happen because (thanks to me) we missed our exit and were headed towards Kansas for awhile before we could turn around! Yipes! We finally made it to my house, though... and the fun really began!

Brownies and ice cream and a movie. Great trio, if you ask me! We watched The Inheritance and then Enchanted.

When the movies were over, we talked for awhile and watched some youtube videos. A silly llama song, David After Dentist, etc etc etc. Around 4:45 we finally crawled into bed, planning to sleep in for  (quite) awhile in the morning.

BUUUUUUUUUUUUT... My mom woke me up at 8 and told me that she had free tickets to the Colorado Symphony. If Sarah and I wanted to go, we had to leave in 45 minutes. So we scrambled to get dressed and get some breakfast before going to the symphony. It was great! I love music!!!!! It was SO worth getting up in spite of lack of sleep. Sarah and I went back to bed as soon as we got home, though. =)

We woke up in time for supper (chicken chili... one of my favorites!!!!!) and after supper we left to go downtown to pass out tracts to people along the 16th Street Mall. It was great! I've never done something like that - just handing tracts out along the sidewalk. I have gone door-to-door, though. It was quite a bit different. Sarah said she thinks that doing it on the street is nicer, but I think (from my limited experience) that I like door-to-door better. Maybe that will change after going to the mall a few more times. =D 

Once we got home we watched the first episode of Sherlock. Sarah hadn't seen it before, so she was slightly (or should I say enormously?) creeped out at various points. In the end, she fell every bit as much in love with this show as I am. [NOT that I condone everything in Sherlock!!! The gay stuff makes me sick.] 

Anyhow... I've had a great couple of days! Thanks, Sarah!

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