Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Answers =D

  1. I collect elephants... that question was too easy, wasn't it?
  2. I received Christ as my personal savior in May 2006, so that's where the 506 comes from. =D
  3. Jane Eyre and The Count of Monte Cristo are indeed my favorites.
  4. Cinnamon rolls are my favorite breakfast, though I'd never turn down the other options, either!
  5. Iced tea. It's one of life's really good parts.
  6. I'm gonna be nineteen in just over a month! Scary stuff!
  7. Mexican is generally my favorite, though I do *LOVE* Italian. Pizza, pasta, etc... 'tis all very good!
  8. Facebook, youtube, and Google (gmail, reader, docs, etc) are my top sites
  9. Snakes. Ugh.
  10. Love nuts! (Maybe 'cause I am one?)
  11. Tres. That question was way too easy, too.
  12. Chips. I usually don't like pretzels except for sucking the salt off. =P
  13. Soundtracks make up most of what I listen to. With a lot of other stuff thrown in. Classical, big band, etc. =D I just love music! But yeah... soundtracks are tops.
  14. Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle... Pride and Prejudice 1995. Can't be beat! =D
  15. I have lived my whole life in Colorado - pretty awesome state!
Great job, everyone!

Edit: Here's how ya'll did:

Kyrstin: 11/15

Mary: 11/15

Erin: 11/15 (12/15 if I count her being funny and answering "France" for where I was born. =P)

Amber: 9/15

JoAnna: I lost your answers somehow... but I think you did pretty well!

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