Monday, August 16, 2010

Knights on Terra Earth

Arrethtrae... Have you heard of it? I can't remember if I've mentioned it before. It's a fictional land created by author Chuck Black. The name is earth and terra smashed together and spelled backwards. The Kingdom Series is a series of biblical allegories that take place in Arrethtrae. I loved them! There was a little romance in them that I didn't find totally necessary, but other than than they were wonderful!

I'm not wanting to talk about The Kingdom Series right now, though. I want to talk about the Knights of Arrethtrae. This series goes alongside the Kingdom Series, and they're even better. My favorite so far is Sir Dalton and the Shadow Heart. It dealt with the subject of doubts. How often is it that I find myself doubting God's (the King's) perfect plan? More often than I want to admit. Although these books are fiction, I think that they can be an encouragement as well as teach some lessons that a lot of people need to learn. Lessons that I need to learn.

The reason that I'm mentioning the Knights of Arrethtrae right now is that I saw Chuck Black's status on facebook the other day. The next two books are about ready to be released! I'd encourage you to take a look! Why not check the books out at your local library or even ad them to your own shelf?

1 comment:

  1. oh, I love the Kingdom series! We have all but the last one on audio, so I haven't heard that one, but they are awesome! I'll be sure to look into the other books!


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