Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Life in Arizona

A few random things:

*Cuddle the babies at night when it's cooler. You'll get less sweaty that way.

*Do not just walk up to the door and unlock it and enter the house. Approach cautiously (maybe carrying a big stick) and look for black widows first. If you do not do this, there will be a black widow there. (Thankfully no one was hurt!)

*Do not go into tourist shops if you freak out about snakes. The heads, skins, and stuffed bodies of those scaly things are everywhere!

*Do not brush food out of dishes and into the trash with your hands if the dishes have been sitting out all night. You may be stung by a scorpion. (I saw him before he saw me, thankfully!)

*Enjoy a walk to the air conditioned library to update your blog. Good side effects of this would include developing a nice tan.

*Remember to log out of your email and blog accounts when you leave the library, or you may still be logged in when you come back the next day! (Uh-oh...)

*If you remembered to clear the doorway of black widows, but there weren't any, don't assume you're safe. They're probably just waiting on the ground instead of in the doorway. (Again, no one but the spider was hurt.)

*If you do not like the smell of Raid, either do not live in Arizona, or find some other way to kill undesirable creepy crawlies.

*Just have fun. It's a great place to be!

(Sorry... I was going to post a few more positive things, but the library closes in 5 minutes and they want me to get off the computer)


  1. yikes! Black widows in the door ways and scorpions on the dishes?! I would like totally freak out. You must be brave. =P

    haha, yes, the baby tip is so true. I learned that one the hard way with my 5 younger siblings.

  2. yuck. *shivers* I hate spiders. sounds like you're having a good time! :)

    btw, do you have a blog button? I was going to put it on my blog if you do. ttyl! -Buttercup

  3. Emily, I truly LOLed reading this! my cousins live down in Arizona and so I know that you are NOT making a big deal out of nothing....hope you manage to have an absolutely wonderful time there inspite of the creepy crawlies! :)


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