Tuesday, May 4, 2010

YouTube Tuesday - Yours Truly

So... I have watched a lot of videos on youtube, and I've subscribed to several people. My favorites are people who post videos of piano pieces that they've learned and people like OpheliaBH. Ophelia is most famous for her Homeschooled vs. Homeschooler video, which I will include below. Well, I decided to post a few videos somewhat similar to what Ophelia and many other people have done. Here's the result... I'm not called the Ramblin' Rose for nothing! LOL


  1. I'm still loving your video, Emily! Yes, you did ramble but you ARE "Rambling Rose." You have to live up to your name! =D

    And that other video is hilarious! I think I've seen it before, but it's been awhile. Too funny!

  2. haha. Those were both funny. You certainly do live up to your name! =D

  3. Side note here:
    You scored highest of all my friends on the how well do you know me quiz! How'd you do that? =P The only one who scored higher then you was my mom. =D

    Haha - congrats!! =D

  4. Ahahahaha! GO HOMESCHOOL-ED PEOPLE! =] Love this!

    Oh and I agree. The shower can be a great place to think!


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