Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cherish Me

Today I was playing with Seth and I just. about. lost. it. You know that proverbial straw that breaks the proverbial camel's back? Well... that's kinda where I was. Why? Well, be patient! I'm getting there!

As Seth has gotten older, Dad has had him hold doors open for us girls. Seth knows that he's *never* to hit a girl. So... basic gentlemanly behavior isn't too much of a problem. But I cannot think of my brother as a gentleman. I don't care how many doors he holds open or how often he refrains from hitting a female antagonist. (AKA big sister) He may have some of the motions down, but the spirit of the gentleman isn't there.

Name calling. Among other things. But the name calling is the worst. He makes up words - his current favorite being "skoobadook" - and calls us by these names any time something isn't going his way. I get a match in Go Fish? "You big blakkayeada!" He growls at me, yells at me, calls me names. Not the behavior of a gentleman if you ask me.

Seth and Dad also play Bible stories together. Guess who gets to be poked and mocked as a substitute Philistines when it comes to playing David and Goliath? Us girls, of course. Who become animals or even poop piles in Noah's Ark? The sisters who are (un)lucky enough to be close by.

And today it just really bothered me. Seth and Dad probably don't even think about what they're doing, so I shouldn't blame them. But it just brings to my mind a dream that I have had for several years.

The dream of feeling cherished.

I think I'm cherished. My parents spend money on me even when it's not absolutely necessary. And they take the time to say "thank you" when I do something like make breakfast or desert. Oh, and there's that routine, "I love you" right before bed. But even though in my heart I know that I'm NOT hated and that I AM loved.... I don't feel cherished, appreciated, and worthwhile. I feel like I've been lost in life's crazy demands.

So... to the guys out there: Respect the girls. Hold open the doors for them. Allow them to go first in line. But if you ever want to win a girl's heart, you can't stop there. 'Cause for this girl here, and I imagine for other girls as well, we're looking to be cherished.


  1. Amen and Amen! =]

  2. WOW!!!! This is an AMAZING post...I know I say that about a lot of your posts but this one stands above those! Such a true statement!


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