100 Things to do Before I Die

Here is my list of 100 things I want to do before I die. It's actually missing a few things, but it's a place to start! The items in bold are the ones I've checked off!

  1. Have Refuge in the Storm published
  2. Write a song - both the lyrics and the melody
  3. See a humpback whale in person... and take a picture!
  4. Take a picture of lightning 
  5. Get a picture of a leaf as it's falling off of a tree
  6. Send my parents on some kind of getaway - A cruise if I ever have that kind of money!
  7. See Phantom of the Opera performed on stage
  8. See Beauty and the Beast on Broadway
  9. Own all of Dee Henderson's books
  10. Read all of Terri Blackstock's books
  11. Read Lord of the Rings
  12. Read The Scarlet Pimpernel
  13. Read Les Miserables
  14. Read the Lark Rise to Candleford books
  15. Read 150 biographies
  16. Read through the Bible 3 times in 3 years
  17. Memorize 50 chapters of the Bible
  18. Make $500 on eBay
  19. Fly in a small plane ... maybe even fly a small plane!
  20. Take a trip by train
  21. Take a trip by bus
  22. Take a trip by boat
  23. Spend an afternoon on a sailboat
  24. Visit all 50 states
  25. See Old Faithful
  26. Go to Prince Edward Island
  27. Go to England
  28. See Venice in person
  29. Go to New York City
  30. Take a trip to Israel
  31. See the giant redwoods in California
  32. Go spelunking 
  33. Go snorkeling 
  34. Go to the Grand Canyon with Erica
  35. See Niagra Falls
  36. Spend a whole week "roughing it" outside
  37. Go on a missions trip on another continent
  38. Go on three missions trips
  39. Take 25 trips by plane
  40. Own a dog
  41. Work as a waitress at a restaurant
  42. Get married
  43. Have kids
  44. Make a quilt start to finish
  45. Try chocolate avacado pudding
  46. (I kinda can't believe I'm saying this) Try sushi
  47. Lead 100 souls to Christ
  48. Own an iPod Touch or an iPhone
  49. Have my very own laptop
  50. Learn to sing "Time to Say Goodbye"
  51. Learn to play "Music Box Dancer" on the piano
  52. Learn to play "The Entertainer" on the piano
  53. Learn sign language
  54. Learn ventriloquism
  55. Learn to waltz
  56. Learn to swing dance (the Charleston!)
  57. Learn how to cut hair and have it look good
  58. Learn to knit or crochet
  59. Learn how to blow bubblegum. It stinks that I can't figure it out!
  60. Learn how to spit a watermelon seed really far (lol)
  61. Go to a Rockies baseball game
  62. Have a bedroom where the furniture and everything matches
  63. Live on a farm
  64. Write an autobiography
  65. Finish writing a book with Bailey
  66. Write a suspense novel
  67. Collect 50 elephants... just for the fun of it
  68. Eat part of an ostrich egg
  69. See an exhibit of artifacts from the Titanic
  70. Take at least one college class
  71. Have a goldfish or some other little fish
  72. Go to a Civil War ball
  73. Visit the set of a movie during filming
  74. Meet someone famous
  75. Watch all of Pixar's movies (assuming that they keep making good movies!)
  76. Watch all of the episodes of Adam 12 that are on hulu
  77. Watch Lord of the Rings
  78. Watch Our Mutual Friend
  79. Be a contestant (or in the audience) of Wheel of Fortune
  80. Spend three summers at camp
  81. Make turnovers
  82. Make tortillas
  83. Make an elaborate cake
  84. Make a chocolate raspberry cheesecake 
  85. Catch a big fish (big being a relative term ;))
  86. Ride an elephant
  87. Own a car that I love
  88. Get comfortable on ice skates
  89. (Totally random and I know I'll get laughed at...) Get kissed while I'm on an amusement park ride =P In a dark tunnel, perhaps. HA I can't believe I said that!
  90. Volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center or something of the kind
  91. Ride a horse that's running... enough of the slowpoke trail ride stuff already! ;)
  92. Solve a real life mystery
  93. Pet a lion cub
  94. Illustrate my poem "Country Summer" so it's like a children's book
  95. Get a manicure
  96. Try cotton candy - just for the experience
  97. Do something with the hundreds of old postage stamps that I have
  98. Listen to all available episodes of I Was a Communist for the FBI
  99. Visit The Wilds
  100. Have something I've written published in a magazine or newspaper

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