Friday, December 3, 2010

That's Not My Place

When Seth was younger I read him several books that are part of the Usborne "touchy feely" collection. These books are cardboard and have a bunch of different things for the little kids to feel. These stories were titled That's Not My _____. Tractor, airplane, monkey, car... you fill in the blank. As you turn each page, it shows a different tractor and the problem will be identified. It's seat is too scratchy. It's engine is too bumpy. The wheels are too.... The monkey's tail is too curly, the nose too cold. I can't even remember everything.

I caught myself playing this game. My problem? It's not MY mission field.

His pants are too baggy.

Her body is too pierced.

His speech is too coarse.

I want to brush off people instead of helping them because they don't fit into my picture of who I want to be associated with. But the truth is, I need to look at people the way God sees them.

"Yes, she's your mission field. Her heart is so broken."

"Yes, he's your mission field. He is searching for answers."

I don't really have a *lot* of opportunities for witnessing, but how many times am I ignoring the opportunities that I do have? And why is it so easy to forget....

I was once someone's mission field myself.

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