Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Little of This, a Little of That, and a Little of This and That

Okay... I know that I messed that quote up, but for the life of me I can't remember exactly how it goes. And I imagine that very few of you will actually know what I'm talking about. =P It is, however, a quote from one of my very favorite animated characters....

Yup.... Tigger is awesome! =D Anyhow, on to the "this and that" stuff. 

I am really irritated with myself because I got three credits for free mp3s on Amazon, then I forgot to do anything about them. When I finally remembered and got a song, I looked and found out that it had charged me $0.99 for the song. I discovered that my credits had expired. I just wasted a whole dollar when I could have gotten three free mp3s! Yeah... kinda annoyed. With Amazon and myself.

Dawn Treader premiered in London this week! I've heard a lot of positive things about it. There have been several bits of new footage popping up here and there, but I'm ignoring it all. At this point I just want to see the movie. =D

Sounds like everyone in my bloggy world had a good Thanksgiving! I certainly did. Thanksgiving day I just spent here at home with my family. We ate and played games and watched movies. First we watched one of my Christmas favorites, The Santa Clause. If you look it up, you will find comments on the "Drop-dead-gorgeous head elf", but for myself, I just love Charlie!

Yeah... Charlie's the winner! =P

We also watched Sense and Sensibility (2008). *love* that movie!

On Friday morning I went to my friend Erin's house. Actually, we did a bunch of shopping first, but I won't really go into details 'cause I don't want to ruin anyone's Christmas surprises. =) That afternoon Erin had a paper to write, so I watched Enchanted while she worked. I love that movie! I hadn't seen it for quite some time, so I laughed all over again at some of the great quotes:

Robert: [struggling to break free of her grasp] You're crazy!
Queen Narissa: No. Spiteful, vindictive, *very large*, but never crazy.

Giselle: Oh, it's you.
Prince Edward: Yes, it's me. And you are?
Giselle: Giselle.
Prince Edward: Oh, Giselle! We shall be married in the morning! 

Robert: You know most normal people get to know each other before they get married. They date.
Giselle: Date?
Robert: Yeah, you know. Date.
[Giselle shakes her head not understanding]
Robert: You go someplace special, like a restaurant, or a movie, or museum, or you just hang out and you talk. 

Robert: [off Giselle's look] What?
Giselle: This is a very nice place.
Robert: Yeah?
Giselle: And we're eating dinner.
Robert: Yeah.
Giselle: [happily] This is a date!
Robert: Yeah!
[happy then realizing his mistake]
Robert: No! No. No, no, no, no. We're just, um, we're just friends. 

Prince Edward: Silence! You lying, murderous wretch! When we return home, Andalasia shall know of your treachery. Your days as queen will be over!
Queen Narissa: Take my crown? Don't you think that's a bit melodramatic, dear?
Prince Edward: I don't know what "melodramatic" means, but you'll be removed from the throne, Narissa. I will see to it. 

Mmm.... That's not all of the good lines, but they seriously lose something when it's just a bunch of words. There are a few negative sides to the movie, but overall I really like it. 

Last item (for now) is... I'm going to the Tchaikovsky Spectacular tomorrow night! I'm going to wear the dress I wore to the banquet this spring, but I'll be wearing a different jacket with it, etc. I'll try to take a picture.

That's all, folks!

(p.s. Sorry there's so much movie junk in this post, I'll try to avoid it next time)

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