Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Three Things Monday: Tuesday Edition

I meant to post this yesterday, but life just got in the way and I never finished it. So here's my post a day late!

Thing 1:

OLD BOOKS - The look, the smell, the feel, the thoughts of yesteryear... Love 'em!

Thing 2:

CLOCKS - Old antique-y clocks, totally unique modern clocks, big clocks, little clocks... clocks clocks clocks!

Thing 3:

BAY WINDOWS - I have always wanted to sit in one and read a book! <3

There you have it! Three things that make me happy. =D


  1. Oh, beautiful old books...

    Your last clock made me smile :)

  2. =D I want a clock just like that sitting on my dresser! Though it might be a tad creepy if it actually talked.... =)

  3. I love the old books! Where did you find the pictures?

  4. I just found them on google. =}


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