Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Around the Campfire

Okay.... This isn't around the campfire. It's the forest fire around us. I took tons of pictures today, but I only uploaded a couple 'cause 1. it's  late and 2. I don't want to tie up the internet. Anyhow.... Here is some of the smoke that I've been inhaling most of the day:

That little pink dot in the center of this picture is all I've seen of the sun since around 1:30. You can kinda see it in the picture above, too.

The "Green Bean" with a bunch of smoke behind it. At least *some* of the smoke is pretty. Most of it is just a nasty gray-orange that made everything... the trees, the ground, the buildings, etc etc etc look orange.

Anyhow, we've been getting rained on by ashes. There's both black and white ash everywhere. Right now it looks like the camp will be fine, but prayers would be appreciated. =D

I'm gonna go hit the sack. Miss ya'll!


  1. Ohmyword! What happened?! Or what is happening?! Facebook me! I'm def praying.


  2. wow. that is scary and awesome at the same time! And I will be praying.


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