Saturday, March 12, 2011


When I was twelve, I knew how my life would be. I knew for certain that when I was seventeen, some talented and handsome young man was going to take an interest in me and marry me a year later. My goal in life was to be an 18-year-old bride.

Weeellll.... that didn't exactly happen. And I've struggled with that. Where's the talented and handsome guy? Where's ANY guy? What in the wide world am I supposed to be doing?

I love my friends, but sometimes I get a tad jealous. A dear friend of mine got married a week ago. Another friend is fast approaching engagement and a wedding. Two more friends have had young men express an interest in them.

I sit back and wonder, "Where am I going wrong?"

If I've heard it once, I've heard it a thousand times. "Embrace your singleness." "Singleness is a gift God give sometimes." "Actively pursue God during your years of singleness." I nod my head politely. I know it's the truth. But me? I'm not supposed to be single, so it doesn't matter for me. I'm the girl who's supposed to jump from teen to bride without all that dreadful waiting and serving in between. That's the plan.

My plan.

What's God's plan? Apparently it's something a little different.

But it'll be better.

But until I know just what the plan is, it's time to lace up my singleness running shoes and start running the part of the race that God has for me right now. Serving my family and my church. Working at camp this summer. Growing in knowledge of the Lord. And praying for the man that is coming SO LATE... but right on time.

P. S. A giveaway to look at... go here.


  1. Amen, Emily. His plan will be better! I watched my plans fall apart and started to panic and then I realized just what you are - that God's plan is SO much better.

    If it makes you feel better... I don't even know any guys around my age. Like, there's no guy in sight at all. I just trust that when it's time, God will bring him around.


  2. Wow, glad to hear that I wasn't the only girl who planned on being an 18-year-old bride... :/

    For a long time, I didn't see any guys that could potentially even be husband material. (I didn't even see any guys close to my own age!!) This past year that has changed. Now everyone is introducing me to young men. This is...interesting.
    Sometimes, meeting these guys gives me great hope that strong Godly young men still exist (even when they move on to date other friends!)
    Sometimes, however, it means that I meet guys that are less than outstanding and they tend to try to take advantage of my standards.

    It was a challenge trusting God when their were no guys in sight and it is even more of a challenge trusting God now that guys are in sight. Use this time to grow in preparedness for the next step when guys do show up!

  3. Well Em dear, for what it's worth, I'm glad you weren't an 18 year old bride!!!! I would feel hopelessly left behind ;) Honestly, I think you must be veeeery brave to want to be married already!!! No WAY am I prepared for marriage at this point =/ but I know that God will bless you for trusting Him! I *promise* you aren't ANYWHERE near being an old maid my dear friend =) And for now you can enjoy all your little single friendships!!! lol


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