Monday, January 24, 2011

Bits and Pieces

Hello! It's me again! I thought that I might just open a little window into my current life for ya'll. =D And maybe throw in a couple of movie quotes for you to guess at the end. I was reminded of a favorite movie quote yesterday and wanted to see how many of you know it. lol

I'm at the library right now. I'm going to check out about a dozen books, so I'm going to have to restrain myself some and make sure that they last me more than a week. =P Right now I am reading books by Ted Dekker. Anyone else read him? I really respect an author like that who can keep track of what he's doing. To have three different sets all intersecting and not mess up is a pretty big feat. I have only written a couple of books that were in chronological order, but it was hard keeping the facts straight even then!

I maxed out my internet time at the library, so right now I'm using my sister's time. Isn't it handy to memorize family member card numbers? LOL I might end up wanting to leave soon, though... the teen load is coming in. Ugh.

Actually, the boy right next to me is trying to figure out a rubiks cube between websites rather than texting or playing trashy games. Wonders never cease!

Right now I'm listening to Josh Groban's latest album Illuminations. What gorgeous songs! I don't like all of them, but some of them are amazing. I love War at Home. I think I cried the first couple times I listened to it. "You see these hands, they're a million strong..."

Hmmmm... what else is happening? Oh. I'm playing offertory at church on Wednesday night. I kinda have a problem there. See, I like the song the way it's written, but my piano teacher prefers it to be changed a little. So what shall I do? Playing as written is certainly easier, but as my piano teacher knows more music than I and is also my authority, should I do what she wants?

That one's kinda a no-brainer, isn't it? =P

On Friday night we had a bunch of friends over for a game night. It was a ton of fun! We got a new game called... Buzz Word? Yeah. Buzz Word. Awesome game, that one! All of my blog readers should come over and we can all play it together! ;)

Anyhow... there's a teeny tiny peek into my life right now. Tata for now!

P.S. Three movie quotes for you to figure out:

1. "Would you like to stay for dinner?"
"Would you like to stay forever?"
2. "Look. You're really cute, but I can't understand what you're saying."

3. "Blast this wretched pen!"

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