Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Twenty-second Time's a Charm

"If at first you don't succeed, try try again." - A phrase as familiar to me as my own name.

Titles (Exact Matches) (Displaying 22 Results)

1. "Jane Eyre" (2006) (TV mini-series)

2. Jane Eyre (1996)
aka "Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre" - USA (complete title)

3. Jane Eyre (1943)
aka "Jane Eyre - Die Waise von Lowood" - Germany (DVD title)
4. "Jane Eyre" (1983) (TV mini-series)

5. Jane Eyre (1970) (TV)
6. Jane Eyre (1997) (TV)

7. "Jane Eyre" (1973) (TV mini-series)

8. Jane Eyre (1934)
9. Jane Eyre (1910/I)

10. "Jane Eyre" (1956) (TV series)

11. Sangdil (1952)
aka "Jane Eyre"

12. The Mad Lady of Chester (1910/II)
aka "Jane Eyre"
13. Jane Eyre (1914/I)

14. Jane Eyre (1914/II)

15. Jane Eyre (1915)

16. Jane Eyre (1921)
17. "Jane Eyre" (1955) (TV series)
18. Jane Eyre (1958) (TV)

19. Jane Eyre (1961) (TV)
20. "Jane Eyre" (1963) (TV series)

21. Jane Eyre (1968)

22. Jane Eyre (2011)

That's what I see when I look up one of my favorite novels on IMDB. TWENTY-TWO titles, folks! I've only seen a half dozen of them.

Why am I bringing this up? Look at the last one in the list. The year? 2011. Yup... they're making another one! And I have to admit that I have pretty high hopes for this one! You can view the trailer here. There are a couple of things that I have questions about. Like the whole deal with the fireplace. But overall, it looks like it could be a very good adaptation. What do you think?

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