Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Youtube Tuesday - Going Nuts

Today I'm going to share with you some songs that my sister and I used to sing multiple times (in a row, even!) almost every time we got in the car. I think that we probably drove my mom close to the edge of insanity. LOL

That, my friends, is a very small sampling of what my mom went through. Two little girls in the back of her car singing at the top of their lungs... songs that were about as annoying as they could get. I hope you won't all be mad at me for getting these stuck in your head! =D


  1. Well... they won't be stuck in my head. They look positively annoying. =D

    BTW, nice pic on the side bar. Is it your senior pic?


  2. Hey, Kyrstin! They're... annoying. hehe I posted them, but refused to listen to them. LOL

    Glad you like the pic! No, it's not my senior pic... Though I suppose that if I actually needed pics, I could use it. My sis took it for me with a few of the roses my grandpa sent for my birthday. =D

  3. lol. As did I. =D

    Your sis did a great job. I'm learning photography, so I look deeper into pics than I used to. =D


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