Saturday, March 6, 2010

I Call Him Seth, and He is Mine

My brother. Those of you who haven't met him are really missing out on a lot. =D Perhaps you have little brothers of your own to make up for your loss, though. Today I'm going to share a couple of things Seth has said this week. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Seth loves pretending to be a cowboy. This morning he showed me his "cowboy boots with spurs" (they look remarkably like tennis shoes! LOL) "They're made out of turkey skins," he told me, "that's why they're so colorful!" hehe

We've been watching Secrets of the Ocean Realm, a five-hour series about sea life. I LOVE this series and would recommend it to anybody. There are a few evolutionary statements, but not nearly as many as there could be. =D Anyhow... little rabbit trail, there, but I just thought I'd share that. Seth has loved watching them because Finding Nemo is one of his favorite movies, so he's enjoyed the sharks, turtles, clownfish, whales, etc. Well, he told me the other day that he was a "crab shark" and that these amazing "crab sharks" live off of... cactus! LOL

I know there's at least 10 other funny things Seth has said recently, but I can't think of them right now.

There are two people who read this blog who I have promised posts to. The reason it's taking me so long is that most of my posts take very little thought and I can just whip them out and post them. These two posts are in the works but take a larger amount of thought and/or research. My apologies for the time it's taking!


  1. You're doing great with the posting Emily! (Secret - I haven't posted since february 26?) Very naughty...
    Seth must be so funny... I would love to meet you guys sometime - but then we both live in CO - that's pretty cool right?
    I like your pic... on the sidebar! You're very pretty!

  2. And - I just remembered that you promised to post the links of the Cadia girls' blogs... are you going to do that?

  3. Hey, Charity! Thanks for the reminder! Something went haywire with my sidebar... a bunch of my quote and all of my buttons disappeared, among other things. I'm still trying to find time to compile everything again and get it back. *sigh* Thanks for the comments! It totally makes blogging more worthwhile. =D


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