Wednesday, February 10, 2010

There is HOPE!!!

I'm trudging wearily along, completely in the dark, not sure how long it will all last.

what IS that?

Some strange thing ahead. A mirage, more likely than not. I think to myself. It almost has the appearance of being... light?

Of course it's not real.

This is the neverending tunnel that I have been in for 12 years.

At the beginning it was all fun. Then it got harder. And the end is full of mixed emotions.

Here I am, not really believing, but the light seems to be a bit brighter with each passing day. Each math test I finish. Each chapter I read. Is it even remotely possible that I might be graduating from high school this year?

Nah... It's a mirage.

Or is it?


  1. Yeah!! congrats~~ have a great day!

  2. goodness I know exactly what you mean dear!!! oh, and I love Love LOVE your new blogsite!!! you may have even inspired me to blog more myself! lol


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